System Resource Calculator
Recommended system resources are determined by analyzing the trend of your log flow rate and the resources it consumes. This information is extrapolated to align with your retention days.
Note: The recommendation is based on trend data; it's advisable to run the product for at least 7 days to obtain more accurate recommendations.
Modify log flow and retention values by clicking on "edit" to tailor your configurations according to your needs.
Clicking the edit icon triggers a popup where you can specify the types of syslogs you want to add, allowing you to tailor your configurations.
You can calculate the Windows Log flow rate for the configured domains.
You can then apply the calculated EPS, to view your recommendations.
Clicking the Device count of each domain enables viewing the EPS of individual devices within the domain.
If the recommended value for Index Disk Space exceeds 1.5TB, the ES - Node Recommendation will be displayed.
When the Log flow exceeds the high flow threshold, i.e., 3000 Windows EPS, the distributed setup recommendation will be shown.
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